Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Home Energy Checklist

If you're on the hunt for ways to improve your household energy use,  nothing beats a room-by-room inspection.
Spend a morning walking around your house or apertment, looking at every nook and cranny, and every power socket, in search of energy weak spots. Use the checklist here to note what you see, then draw up list of the energy-saving improvements you can make.

Building structure
  • Is there insulation in the roof sape?
  • Is there insulation in the walls?
  • Is there insulation under the floor?
  • Do the windows need curtains or shading devives?
  • Can incandescent light bulbs be replaced with energy-efficient bulbs?
  • Space heater:can you do without it?
  • Air-conditioning: can you do whitout it? Are the setting on the thermostat the most efficient?
  • Central heating: are the setting on the thermostat and timner the most efficient?
  • Audiovisual equipment: cab it be turned off easily at the powerpoint to save stand-by energy?
  • Mobile phone charger: do you unplug it after use?
  • Any unnecessary gadgets in use?


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